Monday, 23 September 2013

Kipps’ Alehouse, at the top of the Old High Street, will open on 11th October.  With the re-fit of the building charging ahead,  what better opportunity to tell people and, much more importantly, find out what the ale drinkers of Folkestone think, than to pay a visit to the Leas Lift Beer Festival.  This we did on Friday night and Saturday lunchtime.

Heartfelt thanks to Peter and Adam and everyone for putting up with us (what a great place for a beer festival!), as we asked their customers what they would like from a new Folkestone venue.  We know it will be about ale – we wanted to find out what else will make Kipp’s a go-to spot.  As we went about the imbibers asking what Kipps could be about, we picked up incredibly useful views, ideas and tips that will help us shape the new Alehouse.  Ideas on the drink (and pie!) range, the style of the venue, and the music were all gratefully received – thanks to all who contributed and made us feel welcome.  Kipps’ Alehouse’s Facebook page started to kick into life over the weekend which is brilliant.

Progress on the building work is advancing and the place is really starting to take shape (getting quite excited now...).  After much vexation we have settled on the signs – take a look.


  1. It's looking good. What time is the grand opening of the doors on the 11th October?

  2. Hi,

    Could you please send me details of the licence holder(s) so I can add this info to my blog ?

    Many thanks
